Dietician Shwetha Bhatia

Dietician Shwetha Bhatia

Stress is synonymous with inflammation in the body due to the cascade of events that follow the release of the stress hormone cortisol.

The body really cant differentiate between physical and mental stress.
Hence the only way to combat stress is by maintaining a balance between nutrition, exercise and rest (incorporate some stress relieving techniques like meditation and mindfulness).

With regards to nutrition, no specific nutrient or food can alleviate stress. It is the diet in totality, comprising of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, adequate protein, fibre and water.

Carbohydrates may cause temporary relief through the release of #mserotonin but excess carbs per se create an inflammatory state in the body. This can only aggravate the effects of stress. So no matter how tempted you are to reach for that loaf of bread or tub of ice cream, you need to understand the after effects!