“Biomechanics is the science of movement of a human body, understanding how muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments work together to produce movement. Proper alignment of biomechanical issues is the crux to a good posture & healthy living at any age”.

The primary strength of our practice is to assist patients to find and treat the cause and provide solution and not just to relieve the immediate symptoms. Our practice is established to fill the need for managing gait and mobility disorders, foot, ankle and lower extremity pathology and pain syndromes.

Our team and network of experienced practitioners carry out evidenced based assessment and customize multi-disciplinary approach for treatment of the patient to provide an utmost solution by:

– Conducting a detailed evaluation of the physical structure

– Biomechanics analysis of foot, ankle and lower limb

– Gait & posture analysis (Static & Dynamic)

– Identifying and correcting biomechanical discrepancy if any

– Identifying and dispensing appropriate customized and clinical product

– Providing Ergonomic advice & counselling

– Conducting therapy intervention program for Posture, Gait & Biomechanics Alignment

– Prescribing a sports specific exercise program

– Formulate and educate a self-exercise program


Our practice demands to maintain the highest level of skills and advanced education that would benefit our patients.