Postmenopausal women present with sleep difficulties with a higher frequency than younger women. Insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) seem to be the most prevalent sleep disorders after menopause. The early diagnosis and treatment of them is important in improving postmenopausal women’s quality of life. Estrogen deficiency can lead to sleep instability.

The prevalence of overweight and obesity is proportionally higher in postmenopausal women, estrogen withdrawal affects fat distribution, leading to an increased proportion of abdominal fat. Abdominal obesity are sources of sleep disturbances, decreasing deep sleep, and sleep efficiency, while increasing the risk of obstructive sleep apnea and other metabolic disorders.

Maintaining a fat percent within range and thus body weight is crucial to managing sleep disturbances post menopause. Visceral or fat stored in the organs deep within the abdominal cavity is the most dangerous type of fat. It is the first to be mobilised when you make lifestyle changes. The ideal is < 13%.

Dietician Shwetha Bhatia

Guest Article by Dietician Shwetha Bhatia