What is #Homocysteine?

Homocysteine is a common amino acid in your blood. It is a biomarker of #cardiovascular disease, and it is thought that higher circulating levels of homocysteine are indicative of a higher risk for cardiovascular incidents. A normal level of homocysteine in the blood should be less than 15 micromoles per liter of blood. Higher levels…

Tips to Keep Feet Happy during this Diwali Festival

  By Chaitanya Shah Member of American Podiatry Medical Association (APMA)   Holiday shopping, decorating, parties and traveling are all part of our holiday celebrations. But while you’re making all that cheerfulness, how happy are your feet? You may be doing a lot of walking, standing, dancing and sitting in one position throughout the holiday…

What Is Calcaneal Spur?

                                      Article written by Dr.Daksha Shetty, Practitioner Orthofit                             Calcaneal spur, in simple language, is a bony outgrowth from the heel bone. When a…

Over the counter drugs in pregnancy

Paracetamol has been used for over 50 years, and more than half of women take it for pain relief while pregnant, but recent data suggest it may have unexpected side effects. Use during pregnancy shows that fetal exposure to the drug could be linked with risk of genital #malformation at birth. It has shown to…


Festive season calls for treats and we love options that don’t throw us off the fitness wagon! Ingredients: 15 pcs 2 cups fresh coconut-160g (grated) 50 grams khoa (mawa) 1/2 cup coconut milk Stevia as per the taste Method : Heat grated coconut and coconut milk together in a nonstick pan. Once the the liquid…

Strength training for maximal swim performance

Maximum #strength and #speed strength are 2 major factors that determine a swimmer’s performance, including swim start and turn performance, which directly impacts overall swim #sprint performance. The results of a study demonstrated that maximum strength of the upper and lower limbs and jump height were strongly related to sprint swim performance. Therefore, maximum strength…

Ketones and brain health

Alzheimers Disease (AD): A #ketogenic diet may boost cognition in older adults who have early signs of #Alzheimer’s dementia, with modest improvement in #memory, preliminary research suggests. The brain uses glucose produced from the breakdown of carbohydrates as its primary fuel. However, for persons with early-stage AD, the ability to metabolize glucose is faulty, and…

#Mushrooms may have #neuroprotective properties!

#DidYouKnow? Investigators analyzed data from over 650 participants (aged ≥ 60 years) from the Diet and Healthy Aging (DaHA) study in Singapore and found that those who consumed more than two portions per week of mushrooms had a reduced risk of mild cognitive impairment. Six types of mushroom that were included are golden, oyster, shiitake,…


Finding it difficult to sustain a low carb/keto plan being a vegetarian? Try this cheesy yet healthy veg recipe.. #RecipeOfTheWeek: CAULIFLOWER MAC &CHEESE (9g pro/26g fat) INGREDIENTS: 8 servings 1 kg cauliflower florets. 1 cup heavy whipping cream. 120g cream cheese, cubed. 250g cheddar cheese, shredded. 1 teaspoons mustard. 1 teaspoon turmeric. ½ teaspoon powdered…

Health benefits of #turmeric

#Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric is a polyphenol which has antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects.  Research shows benefits in obesity related #inflammation, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and weight loss. Cancer: blocks the spread of certain types of cancer and reduces tutor promotion. Brain health: blocks the formation of amyloid plaques. Arthritis: reduces pain…