Guest Articles, By Dietician Shwetha Bhatia

– 3 tips on how to make your hand sanitiser work optimally

– What is #Homocysteine?

– What you should know about the #coronavirus?

– #RecipeOfTheWeek: Creamy zucchini soup


– It’s the RESOLUTIONS TIME of the year… again!

– Diet and Mental Health Disorders

Tips to Stay Fit through the Holiday Season

– Need for “Prehabilitation” before cardiac surgery

– Arthritis-Management Guidelines

– Over the counter drugs in pregnancy


– Strength training for maximal swim performance

– Ketones and brain health

– #Mushrooms may have #neuroprotective properties!

Rains call for more workouts indoors…If you’re new to the gym

– Preventing urinary tract infections (#UTIs)

– #RecipeOfTheWeek: ZUCCHINI FRITTERS (contains egg)

– Impact of Social Media Use 

– Basic tips for surviving vacations!

– #ChildhoodObesity

– #RecipeOfTheWeek: Walnut and zucchini salad

– The King Of Fruits: To Eat or Not to Eat?

– Analgesic effects of meditation

– Choline-Facts

– Does pollution adversely affects our physical health?

– Are you FIT enough for group classes??

– Benefits of Magnesium

– Is moderate drinking healthy?

– Is weight training safe for adolescents?



– Exercise in Focus: Farmer’s Walk

– 2 common mistakes people often make on their “weight” loss journey

 Missing carbs on keto? Here’s a quick bread recipe!

– What is Diabetes Distress?

– Ergogenic effects of music

– What are the health benefits of dark chocolate?

– The K to good health

– Toddlers with Digital Devices

– Omega-3 and mental health

– Sugar free treat for all seasons!

 High Uric Acid Levels (Hyperuricemia)

 Don’t have to get off your health goals this festive season…..

– Diabetes and bone health

– Squat Variation: Is the Goblet Squat useful?

– Sleep And Fat Loss

– Just because its herbal..

– Too much salt can affect cognitive function

– Keto Lemon Custard- Guilt free dessert!

– Exercise and Acid Reflux

– Weight training and PCOD

– Men and Osteoporosis

– Sitting and its effects on Brain Health!

– Risks that Diabetics maybe faced with during fasting

– Nutrition and Assisted Reproduction

– Zucchini Parmesan Chips 

– How do you stay fit on holidays?

Household cleaners can impact our health!

– HYDRATION checklist

– The King Of Fruits: To Eat or Not to Eat!

– Recipe Of The Week: Green Gazpacho Soup

– Post menopausal sleep disturbance

 Pregnancy And Weight Gain

– Chicken Pesto Salad

– What’s the story with type 2 diabetes in kids?

– Busting myths around leg raises

– Diabetes and Dementia

 HealthAlert on Laxative use

Exercise in Focus: Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows

– Biotin supplements and diagnostics

– Osteoporosis and weight training

Which foods combat stress?

Marathon season is in.. We’re sharing some nutrition tips!

It’s the RESOLUTIONS TIME of the year… once again!

DETOX diet is the biggest sham in the health industry

– Roasted Broccoli and Cheddar Soup

Exercise in Focus: Cable Car

– Folic Acid

– Fitness Resolutions!

– Seeds of Health

– The Detox Sham

– Holiday Heart Syndrome

– Fitness should not be a short term goal!

– Gluten Free Diet

– What is the best time to workout?

– Biotin, The Basics

– Alkaline Diet

– Hypothyroidism: The Basics

– How do you rate the intensity of your workouts?

– Are you fit enough for these workouts?

– Arthi Kumar’s Transformation Story

– Probiotics Basics

– Sleep Apnea

– Sugar: The Bitter Truth

– Rest intervals during weight training

– Workout Motivation

– Fitness at the Desk

– What is #Homocysteine?

– The importance of mental strength

– Encouraging fitness in kids

– Knee Needs

