Orthofit has developed a unique approach where certified therapists conduct a detailed foot, ankle and lower limb biomechanics evaluation and scrutinize static and dynamic conditions.

Each patient’s assessment begins with preliminary patient education interaction and gathering detailed information by the therapist. A variety of questions are asked to understand the symptoms and the possible cause, patient’s life style cycle and the type of footwear generally worn at work, home and while play, as it is significant for the evaluation.


The patient will participate in a number of tests ranging from examination of minute details of the toes and under the foot (plantar surface) to alignment, posture, a walking gait analysis and a series of motion tests that evaluate muscle strength and flexibility.

Our practice emphasis on patient education during and after the evaluation related to the symptoms, cause, physical fitness, life style and optimum solution. Thereafter based on the findings our practitioners

– Will explain how the problem has occurred; identify the cause of the problem and available treatments for the ideal solution.
– Recommend appropriate footwear by size, i.e. length & width, shape and type, best for patient’s condition and lifestyle.
– Dispense custom orthotic insoles and ready to wear orthotic footwear.
– Provide helpful education and instructions regarding the best practice for acclimating and caring for orthotics.
– Recommend a self-exercise regime related to lower limb muscle strengthening, foot/ankle alignment and joint flexibility.
– Will always take the time to educate, inform and answer questions.
– Patients are also provided with reading material on their specific condition and available treatments.
Based on the patient’s evaluation, functional and mobility needs, the attending practitioner will select the most suitable clinic products e.g. orthotics from the wide range including the signature series of Vasyli orthotic insoles.

The selected orthotic insole is heat molded and required wedges are added to customize the orthotic to the individual foot in turn to optimize the foot, ankle and lower limb alignment. In case of complicated cases, the practitioner may not add all the required wedges at the first time so that the patient gets accustom to convert the basic alignment correction into comfort. The practitioner may call for a follow up subsequently.

The practitioners will advice a set of self-exercises program for foot, ankle and lower limb to overcome the initial discomfort the orthotics may cause and for converting correction into comfort. In case of complicated biomechanical issues, the practitioner may prescribe few sessions of physical therapy at the clinic.